
This site is an archive, the project ran from 2015 to 2016 for more information go to

There is no student/teacher/candidate data held on this site.

What we ask for, and why

If you are a participant in one of our activities or sign up to our mailing list, we, Mangorolla CIC, will collect information from you to help us run our activities and send you updates.


We’ll ask you a few questions on your profile page. You can answer these if you want to and edit them at any time.

Your account is linked to your teacher and school, so we can identify you if we need to. Sometimes we will be required to share your name and email with your teacher. This will happen if you break any of the House Rules or if we have a safeguarding concern.

This is what we ask all students:

Display Name
Your display name is shown when you ask questions, take part in live chats and leave comments. Please do not use your full name.
Full Name
To identify a student in the event of a safeguarding or behaviour concern.
Email address
To tell you when your question has been answered, about activity updates (including evictions/winners), and follow up surveys for you to tell us what they thought of taking part. If you don’t have an email address, you can leave this blank.
How you identify
Used anonymously (i.e. without your real names or email address) to understand how different people view STEM.
School Year
To identify whether you are Year 9 or above and able to consent to share your information (more details below). Also used anonymously for evaluation.
Profile questions
For you to let the Astro Support Team know a little about you to be displayed on your profile.

Visible on the site Only visible to admins

We work with a range of funders and potential funders to run I’m an Astronaut. Some of our funders have specific evaluation requirements they implement across activities they support. We will only ask for this extra information if you are in Year 9 or above, and only share with funders if you say we can.


We ask for your name, email and information about your school and subject when you register your interest in our activities. This is so we can send you information about our activities that are relevant for you. We may also send you information about our activities that might be relevant for your colleagues, but only with your consent.

If you are taking part in one of our projects, you will have a profile which you can edit at any time.

Astro Support Team

We ask for your name, email and information about where you work when you apply to take part in our projects. We use this to ensure you can participate in our projects, and to send you information about projects relevant to you. With your consent, we may also use this information to contact your employer to check your work status.

If you are taking part in one of our projects, you will fill in a profile on this site about yourself and your work which is visible to the public. You can edit this at any time.


If you access the site through a Social Media login — which means your account is linked to either your Facebook, Twitter or Google account — it will automatically send emails to the address connected to that account. You can remove this at any time by editing your profile, and removing the email address.

Keep Me Updated Mailing List

If you sign up to our Keep Me Updated mailing list we will ask for your name and email. This is so we can send you information about our projects, including upcoming event dates, project news and blog posts. You can unsubscribe from the list by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email.

Our legal basis for collecting your information, and how you can remove it


If you are a participant in one of our projects (a student, teacher or Astro Support Team members), we collect information from you as part of our legitimate business interests. If we didn’t have this information, we wouldn’t be able to run our activities.

If you are a teacher, on being given a place in our activity we will ask you to give your consent for your students to answer the optional questions on their profile (more information above in What we ask for, and why).

If you would like us to remove any of your information you can email your request to with your name, email you used on our site and what project and zone you were involved in. We will remove your data within 30 days.

Mailing Lists

If you have signed up to one of our mailing lists (Keep Me Updated or Teacher Registration list) we will collect information from you with your consent. You can unsubscribe from the list by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email.

Who we share your information with

We may provide your data to our suppliers in order to run our activities. They are GDPR compliant registered data processors and are required to delete that data immediately after use.

If you are a student, we will only ever share your data if you are in Year 9 or above, and only if you tell us you are happy for us to do so.

If transferring information outside the EEA, we use partners who are signed up to Privacy Shield.

We do NOT share your contact details with anyone else without you giving permission. No companies, no sponsors.

How long we keep your information for


If you are a student who has taken part in one of our activities, your personal information will be removed three months after your zone has ended. That means we’ll delete your name, email address, postcode and date of birth, if you’ve given them to us. We will then make any questions, comments or evaluation surveys you have sent on the site anonymous.

Teachers and Astro Support Team Members

If you are participating in one of our activities as a teacher or Astro Support Team, we will keep information about you and your participation for as long as the project continues to run so we have a record of what happened in each event. You can request for us to remove your information at any point.

Mailing lists

If you are signed up to one of our mailing lists, we will keep your information until you unsubscribe from the list, which you can do so with a link at the end of every email.

Accessing your information

You have a right to access all of your information. To request access, email with your name, email you used on our site and what project and zone you were involved in. We will then provide everything in your preferred format within 30 days.

If you are a participant in one of our events, you can view and edit your profile information at any time by logging in and clicking ‘Edit my profile’.

Site data

During the event our computers put a session cookie on your computer. If you block this cookie the site can’t work, so please don’t do that. A session cookie is a small file that identifies who you are. It allows you to vote once, to ask questions and take part in live chats showing the screen name you choose (we will never put your real name on the site). After you log off the cookie is removed from your computer.

As you use the site we do record some information that could be traced to you. We record how you vote so we can check the evictions are done fairly if necessary. This information NEVER gets released though, except on your profile page where logged in users in your zone will be able to see the Astro Support Team member you most recently voted for.

We also record what questions you ask and what you say in Live Chat. We do this so the Astro Support Team members know who they are talking to – at least they know your username. We also record when you log in and where you log in from (your IP address). We log the IP address so that if someone registers on the site claiming to be someone else then we can see where they are logging on from. It also helps us track any technical issues.

That sounds like a lot but it doesn’t get given away and nobody will be able to trace it to you.

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